Dambulla Rock Cave Temples Off Kandy-Jaffna Hwy Dambulla Sri Lanka

Divine Encounters
Selma Conte
Milan, Italy
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About Selma
I’ve always loved traveling and exploring new cultures, trying to capture the essence of each place. When the world reopened, my husband Paolo and I couldn’t wait to dive back into adventure. In October 2023, we packed our essentials—clothes, tech, and an unstoppable thirst for discovery—and set off on the journey of a lifetime: We did South India for 3 months, Sri Lanka 1 month, then returned to North India for another 3 months, and then one month each in Thailand, Malaysia, Okinawa.
Next up: Borneo and Indonesia before (maybe) heading back to Milan in September. Stay tuned for more incredible photos!
About ‘Divine Encounters’
Part 1 of a 3 part photojournalism essay investigating the Western eye on Eastern life. In process is the people ‘Facing East,’ and the third is ‘Lived Landscapes,’ an exploration of terrain.
Follow Selma: https://www.instagram.com/selmina.c/
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